May 9, 2010


I saw "Introduction to linear dynamical systems" on YouTube, It is much better than what my teacher taught me, that is a little bothered me.

matrix is about linear algebra.

1) y is measurement, x is something we do not know.
2) y is output, x is input.
3) x is signal, y is transformation output.

aij is is weight on xi to produce yj, ith row concerns with ith output, jth column concerns with jth input.
1) aij = 0, then yj does not depend on xi
2) some aij is bigger in i row, y is more depend on xi
3) some aij is bigger in j column, xi more affect yj
4) lower triangular are zeros, yi only depends on x1....xi
5) diagnal, yi only depends on xi.
6) sparsity means relationship between x and y is not so complex.

May 4, 2010

System Identification

yeah, i am here, jumped too fast!

some commands of matlab:
lsqnonlin--------non-linear least square optimization
lsqcurvefit------use lsqnonlin to fit a curve
pem------------prediction error model
idgrey----------grey box model
idnlgrey--------grey box for non linear model.

ss --------------state space model
sim------------model simulation
bode-----------bode graph
step------------step response
impulse---------impulse response
c2d-------------convert continuous model to discrete model

system identification method:
state space
poles and zeros
frequency method i.e., bode graph
PID control

optimization method:
steepest gradient
levenberg marquardt